Submit a 1715 Fleet Story

1715 Fleet Society Stories

To submit a 1715 Fleet story for posting on the 1715 Fleet Society website please fill out the form in its entirety.

There are 2 sections:

  1. Personal Information – This section allows us to contact you for more information, if necessary.
  2. Story Details – This section are the details of the story itself.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk and instructions are below each field.

What We look for in a Good Story

An engaging title. Use short action words – and don’t let your title run on too long. It’s likely we’ll edit the title to fit our format, so keep it as short and sweet as possible.

The story can be any length, though we prefer something around the 500 word mark. We will not accept stories that are fewer than 300 words.

As you know the imagery on this site is vivid.  We prefer high resolution imagery of at least 1,000 pixels wide – as high quality as possible.


The Legal Stuff

By submitting a story on our form, you warrant that:

  • The rights to any submitted images are owned and controlled by you and you give the 1715 Fleet Society permission to reprint those images on our site.
  • The story you are submitting is original, and not published elsewhere on the web.
  • The story you are submitting is written in your own words and not a summary of another article or a direct copy or reprint of another article which is currently published in other formats including web, print, etc.
  • You give us the right and ability to edit the story or images submitted. Though, we like to post original material and we respect the intent of the author, we will likely edit your story for spelling and grammar, if necessary.

Thank you for your submission. We look forward to reading it.


Submit a 1715 Fleet Story Form

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