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1715 Fleet Society

A 501c(3) Nonprofit organization dedicated to researching the history of the 1715 Fleet, its loss, rediscovery, and recovery.

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1715 Treasure Fleet

Florida in the 18th century remained an isolated outpost of the Spanish Empire. Its most important mission was to secure the homeward route of the Spanish New World Treasure Fleets. These fleets had long funded Spain’s now-declining role in European and world affairs. The loss of the 1715 Fleet was another blow to the newly established Bourbon dynasties of Spain. Gold and silver in great quantity was homeward bound to Philip V when a hurricane destroyed his fleet along Florida’s coast on Wednesday, July 31, 1715.

Some recovery in the aftermath still left much to be recovered beginning in the 1960s and ongoing to this day. Much research remains to be done on the 1715 Fleet and its treasure. The State of Florida has accumulated a magnificent and yet little studied collection of Fleet material.

The 1715 Fleet Society aims to promote public awareness and scholarly study of all facets of the 1715 Fleet disaster.

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Past and current featured treasure of the 1715 Fleet.

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Pictured from left to right: Dave Crooks (Member #7), Ben-Costello (President), and Charlie Winn (Member #136)