Shipwrecks, Treasure, Hoards, and Finds From Around the World

Non-Fleet related news including shipwrecks, treasure, hoards and finds from around the globe.

Wreckwatch Magazine Update

Here is the latest from Wreckwatch Magazine. For those of you not familiar with this publication, Wreckwatch covers new discoveries and the latest in shipwreck exploration, maritime trade, history and art. This publication enjoys an


Bronze Cannon Linked to Coronado Expedition Found

480-year-old firearm discovered in Arizona described by researchers as the ‘oldest’ found in the US Researchers say the bronze cannon found in Arizona is linked to the 1539-1542 expedition led by Vázquez de Coronado A


Finders Keepers?

Here is a story from Vienna that is actually not all that uncommon. A contractor finds coins buried in a wall, floor or fireplace and a legal battle erupts over who gets the coins…the finder,


The Brother Jonathon

As President of the 1715 Fleet Society, I am often called upon to give a presentation on the history of the 1715 Fleet, its loss rediscovery, and recovery. I usually have a short version or