1715 Fleet Society Newsletter

This page focuses on all things 1715 Fleet-related — including our regular Treasure of the Month feature, This Day in Fleet History posts, tidbits from the Fleet Society Archives, new recoveries, and more.

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Pieces of Eight Letter

July 2nd 1998 letter from original Real Eight member Kip Kelso to an attorney from Vero Beach Florida. It appears that Kip Kelso was seeking legal advice because the book “Pieces of Eight”, published in


June 2011 Treasure of the Month

Our treasure for June is a cache of silver reales from the Spanish colonial mints of Mexico City and Lima, found by Joel Ruth on a Florida beach after Hurricane Jeanne stormed through in September

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DATELINE: Treasure Coast, Eastern Florida

We have all heard of the coastal region of eastern Florida from Sebastian to Miami referred to as the “Treasure Coast”. Every wonder who came up with the name “Treasure Coast”? Visit our Articles Page

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DATELINE: Merritt Island, Florida

On the first anniversary of his death we want to remember our friend Lou Ullian, shown here (on the right) with fellow Real 8 members Del Long and John Jones. John (in the center) is still

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1715 Fleet Society - Lou Ullian Letter 2

1715 Mexico 8 Escudo

1715 Mexico 8 Escudo found in 1964. This coin is a fully dated 1715. The quality of the photograph is rather poor and does not do the coin justice. It is round with a full

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1715 Mexico 8 Escudo

1715 Mexico 8 Escudo found in 1964. This coin is a fully dated 1715. The quality of the photograph is rather poor and does not do the coin justice. It is round with a full

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DATELINE: West Melbourne, Florida

Del Long, one of the last original members of the Real 8 Company, has died in Florida at 87. An obituary published in Florida Today is here. An article from 1965 will appear soon in

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May 2011 Treasure of the Month

Our first-ever featured treasure is this dazzling array of Fleet-recovered gold escudos from the Spanish colonial mints of Mexico City and Lima. Served up on a porcelain dish (also recovered from a Fleet wreck site),

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Two Archaeological Sites in Brevard County, Florida,

Article by Hale G Smith from the Florida Anthropological Society Publications, No. 1 Gainesville: University of Florida, 1949. This article is referenced in the History of the Real Eight Company Through Documents and Letters, also on

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Spanish Contacts with the AIS (Indian River) Country

This narrative by Charles Dana Higgs was read at the archaeology session of the annual meeting of the Florida Historical Society, March 6, 1942. This article is referenced in the History of the Real Eight Company Through Documents

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1712 Lima 8 Escudo

1712 Lima 8 Escudo found in 1964. This is a rather exquisite coin with wonderful surfaces and sharply struck details. The obverse clearly shows two dates although the photograph does not completely show the full

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1710 Lima 8 Escudo

1710 Lima 8 Escudo

1710 Lima 8 Escudo found in 1975. The specimen shows a well centered sharply struck double date. On the obverse the Pillars and Waves are rather high allowing a substantial portion of the legend to

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Lou Ullian Journal Letter

March 17th 2010 letter authored by Louis J. Ullian original Real 8 member describing a journal he kept of Real 8 activity from 1960 to 1965. A sample of the journal contents is shown below.

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Pieces of Eight Letter

July 2nd 1998 letter from original Real Eight member Kip Kelso to an attorney from Vero Beach Florida. It appears that Kip Kelso was seeking legal advice because the book “Pieces of Eight”, published in

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