1715 Fleet Conference LATEST VIDEOS

1715 Fleet Society Video


1715 Fleet Society Plans International Conference Mar 16-17, 2017.
VIDEO: 3:04
Ben Costello, Director, 1715 Fleet Society, Interviewer: David Lisot, CoinTelevision.com.

The second annual 1715 Fleet Society International Conference is scheduled for March 16-17, 2017. It will host noted lecturers and researchers devoted to the study of the wrecks of the 11 Spanish ships packed with treasure that went down along the Florida coast in 1715. Director Ben Costello talks about the conference and the receptions that will take place.


1715 Fleet Society Features Spanish Sunken Treasure
VIDEO: 2:25.
Ben Costello, Director, 1715 Fleet Society, Interviewer: David Lisot, CoinTelevision.com.

In 1715 a fleet of Spanish ships sailing from Cuba were wrecked along the coastline of Florida during a violent hurricane. The 1715 Fleet Society is devoted to research and information about this historic event. Director Ben Costello tells about the goals and
objectives of the organization.

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