1715 Fleet Society Member Profile #1: Tom Uram

We thought it would make a very interesting feature to periodically profile the accomplishments of our esteemed members. We call these “1715 Fleet Society Member Profiles”. Periodically we will choose from among our members, individuals that have accomplished something exceptional and whose stories we will share with other members as well as the larger, public Fleet audience.

1715 Fleet Society Member Profile Tom Uram

Profile Information

Name: Tom Uram

Age: 61

Residence: 84, PA

Occupation: Financial Services

Avocation: Numismatics

Tom is currently the President of the Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists, President of the George Washington Coin Club, and was a member of the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) for eight years, recently completing his second term on August 28, 2021.  The CCAC was created by Congress in 2003 under Public Law 108-15 to advise the Secretary of the Treasury on the themes and designs of all US coins and medals. He was also on the Board of Governors of the ANA from 2017-2019.

Tom was personally responsible (along with fellow CCAC member Michael Moran) for coming up with the idea of getting congressional legislation that would authorize the minting of 2021 Morgan and Peace dollars which would mark the centennial of the final Morgan and the first Peace dollar in 1921. These new silver coins (which are non-circulating legal tender)  have recently entered the market and may become a regular mint series in the future. In connection with the introduction of these coins, Tom has entered into an agreement with NGC (Numismatic Gauranty Corporation) to sign labels that will used for coins that are certified (slabbed) by NGC. It is considered an honor to have NGC recognize Tom’s contribution to the Morgan and Peace Dollar Centennial Project in this manner.

Tom has been a Fleet Society member since 2015. During the time of his membership Tom has been instrumental in helping the Society obtain funding and volunteering to help staff our table when attending shows.

For more information Tom’s involvement with the minting of the Morgan and Peace dollars, check out this article from the Coin Update Website.
