Here is a preview of Fleet coins that were about to be auctioned in November 1971. The caption states that these coins were owned by Kip WagnerKip Wagner (1906 – 1972) was instrumental in the formation of the team that later became the Real Eight Company and one of the greatest salvage groups that ever explored the 1715 Fleet wrecks. He ... More. At the time of this production, Kip WagnerKip Wagner (1906 – 1972) was instrumental in the formation of the team that later became the Real Eight Company and one of the greatest salvage groups that ever explored the 1715 Fleet wrecks. He ... More was gravely ill and would die just three months later in February 1972. Perhaps that is why he had this fine collection sold. It is indeed sad that this man’s dream of finding lost treasure would come down to this. We are indeed grateful for his efforts that unlocked a world of adventure for all of us to enjoy. Thank you, Kip.