The John de Bry Collection

Our photo gallery depicts some of the highest quality images of treasures recovered from Spanish galleons lost in Florida waters. These photos were taken by Dr. John de Bry, who is director of the non-profit Center for Historical Archaeology in Melbourne, Florida. Dr. de Bry has extensive experience in photographing artifacts recovered from Spanish shipwrecks.

Caption 1- Eight Escudos, also called doubloons, struck at the Colonial Mint of Lima, Peru. Dates from 1708 to 1714 are visible. Recovered in 1988 from a 1715 Fleet site by Mo Molinar and his crew. -1715 Fleet
Caption 1- Eight Escudos, also called doubloons, struck at the Colonial Mint of Lima, Peru. Dates from 1708 to 1714 are visible. Recovered in 1988 from a 1715 Fleet site by Mo Molinar and his crew. -1715 Fleet
Caption 2- Bronze navigational divider displayed with a group of two escudos from the Santa Fe De Bogata mint. -1715 Fleet
Caption 2- Bronze navigational divider displayed with a group of two escudos from the Santa Fe De Bogata mint. -1715 Fleet
Caption 3- A Colombian gold bar of 20.75 kt struck at the Peña-Randa foundry 1621-22. Recovered from the Florida Keys wreck site of Nuestra Señora de Atocha - 1622.
Caption 3- A Colombian gold bar of 20.75 kt struck at the Peña-Randa foundry 1621-22. Recovered from the Florida Keys wreck site of Nuestra Señora de Atocha – 1622.
Caption 4- Cache of jewelry and religious artifacts -1715 Fleet
Caption 4- Cache of jewelry and religious artifacts -1715 Fleet
Caption 5- Gold diamond studded brooches and earrings, gold manicure set and gold toothpicks -1715 Fleet
Caption 5- Gold diamond studded brooches and earrings, gold manicure set and gold toothpicks -1715 Fleet
Caption 6- Gold toothpicks, manicure set and earrings. -1715 Fleet
Caption 6- Gold toothpicks, manicure set and earrings. -1715 Fleet
Caption 7- Gold toothpick and chain. - 1715 Fleet
Caption 7- Gold toothpick and chain. – 1715 Fleet
Caption 8- Gold manicure sets. -1715 Fleet
Caption 8- Gold manicure sets. -1715 Fleet
Caption 9- Gold manicure sets, rosaries, rings, chains and buckles. -1715 Fleet
Caption 9- Gold manicure sets, rosaries, rings, chains and buckles. -1715 Fleet
Caption 10- A gold cross of fine workmanship inset with 65 Colombian emeralds. Recovered from the wreck of Nuestra Señora de las Maravillas -1656
Caption 10- A gold cross of fine workmanship inset with 65 Colombian emeralds. Recovered from the wreck of Nuestra Señora de las Maravillas -1656
Caption 11- Another view of the Maravillas Cross, showing the exceptional gold filigree work on the reverse. -Maravillas 1656
Caption 11- Another view of the Maravillas Cross, showing the exceptional gold filigree work on the reverse. -Maravillas 1656
Caption 12- The Maravillas cross with a magnificent gold and Emerald Brooch from the same wreck. -Maravillas 1656
Caption 12- The Maravillas cross with a magnificent gold and Emerald Brooch from the same wreck. -Maravillas 1656
Caption 13- A remarkable display of hundreds of Spanish colonial escudos recovered from a 1715 Fleet site in 1988. In the center is a gold snuff box and jewelry from the same find. -1715 Fleet
Caption 13- A remarkable display of hundreds of Spanish colonial escudos recovered from a 1715 Fleet site in 1988. In the center is a gold snuff box and jewelry from the same find. -1715 Fleet
Caption 14- Gold rings, jewelry, religious artifacts and large silver bar. -1715 Fleet (Two bars are “Tumbaga Wreck”)
Caption 14- Gold rings, jewelry, religious artifacts and large silver bar. -1715 Fleet (Two bars are “Tumbaga Wreck”)
Caption 15- Two escudos from the Lima and Santa Fé de Bogotá mints. The Lima coins are dated 1700 and 1707. Also pictured are two pins. -1715 Fleet
Caption 15- Two escudos from the Lima and Santa Fé de Bogotá mints. The Lima coins are dated 1700 and 1707. Also pictured are two pins. -1715 Fleet
Caption 16- Display of fine porcelain, chains and gold escudos from the Mexico and Lima mints. Also pictured is a gold ring near a clump of silver reales fused together by the action of seawater on the surface of the silver coins. -1715 Fleet
Caption 16- Display of fine porcelain, chains and gold escudos from the Mexico and Lima mints. Also pictured is a gold ring near a clump of silver reales fused together by the action of seawater on the surface of the silver coins. -1715 Fleet
Caption 17- Gold chains and rings. -1715 Fleet
Caption 17- Gold chains and rings. -1715 Fleet
Caption 18- A pair of two escudo gold pieces from the Santa Fé de Bogotá mint, showing both the obverse and reverse of this popular 18th Century gold issue. The escudos rest on a clump of Mexico eight silver reales, whose design is clearly visible below the gold chain at the left. -1715 Fleet
Caption 18- A pair of two escudo gold pieces from the Santa Fé de Bogotá mint, showing both the obverse and reverse of this popular 18th Century gold issue. The escudos rest on a clump of Mexico eight silver reales, whose design is clearly visible below the gold chain at the left. -1715 Fleet
Caption 19- Porcelain cups, onion bottle and bronze navigational divider. -1715 Fleet
Caption 19- Porcelain cups, onion bottle and bronze navigational divider. -1715 Fleet
Caption 20- Terra cotta animal figurines from Tonala, Guadalajara created by native artisans. Ducks, rabbits, dogs and even an anteater is featured above. -1733 Fleet
Caption 20- Terra cotta animal figurines from Tonala, Guadalajara created by native artisans. Ducks, rabbits, dogs and even an anteater is featured above. -1733 Fleet
Caption 21- Full view image of caption 7, a Colombian gold bar of 20.75 kt struck at the Peña-Randa foundry 1621-22. Recovered from the Florida Keys wreck site of Nuestra Señora de Atocha - 1622.
Caption 21- Full view image of caption 7, a Colombian gold bar of 20.75 kt struck at the Peña-Randa foundry 1621-22. Recovered from the Florida Keys wreck site of Nuestra Señora de Atocha – 1622.
Caption 22- Two gold rings and a gold brooch inset with various stones probably made in Columbia in the first half of the 17th Century. -Maravillas 1656
Caption 22- Two gold rings and a gold brooch inset with various stones probably made in Columbia in the first half of the 17th Century. -Maravillas 1656
Caption 23- Eight pairs of finely crafted gold buttons. -1715 Fleet
Caption 23- Ten pairs of high-carat gold filigree cufflinks recovered from the cabin wreck. -1715 Fleet
Caption 24- Gold religious medallions on a gold Rosary chain. Note that the medallion on the right is St. Christopher carrying the baby Jesus. -1715 Fleet
Caption 24- Gold religious medallions on a gold Rosary chain. Note that the medallion on the right is St. Christopher carrying the baby Jesus. -1715 Fleet
Caption 25- Gold diamond studded brooches -1715 Fleet
Caption 25- Gold diamond studded brooches -1715 Fleet
Caption 26- A small coral-encrusted gold ingot of 22 kt (XXII). Probably Atocha. -1622
Caption 26- A small coral-encrusted gold ingot of 22 kt (XXII). Probably Atocha. -1622
Caption 27- Recovered by Moe Molinar and his crew in 1988, this group of 8 escudos was struck at the colonial mint of Lima, Peru between 1707 and 1714. -1715 Fleet.
Caption 27- Recovered by Moe Molinar and his crew in 1988, this group of 8 escudos was struck at the colonial mint of Lima, Peru between 1707 and 1714. -1715 Fleet.
Caption 28- Place setting fit for a Captain. Silver plate, silver fork and spoons and probably a bone handled knife. Near the fork is a small group of silver reales. Note the tankard and onion bottle which might have held wine. The dinner is concluded with a smoke from a clay pipe. -1715 Fleet
Caption 28- Place setting fit for a Captain. Silver plate, silver fork and spoons and probably a bone handled knife. Near the fork is a small group of silver reales. Note the tankard and onion bottle which might have held wine. The dinner is concluded with a smoke from a clay pipe. -1715 Fleet
Caption 29- Astrolabe and small deck cannon (swivel gun). - Green Cabin Wreck
Caption 29- Astrolabe and small deck cannon (swivel gun). – Green Cabin Wreck
Caption 30- A Colombian gold bar of 20.75 kt struck at the Peña-Randa foundry 1621-22. A heavy gold chain and delicate gold rings attached to the fingers of a conch shell. -Recovered from the Florida Keys wreck site of Nuestra Señora de Atocha - 1622.
Caption 30- A Colombian gold bar of 20.75 kt struck at the Peña-Randa foundry 1621-22. A heavy gold chain and delicate gold rings attached to the fingers of a conch shell. -Recovered from the Florida Keys wreck site of Nuestra Señora de Atocha – 1622.
Caption 31- Fine blue on white porcelain cups and containers. -1715 Fleet
Caption 31- Fine blue on white porcelain cups and containers. -1715 Fleet
Caption 32- Gold religious artifacts including crucifixes and medals displayed on a sixteenth century Bible. -1715 Fleet
Caption 32- Gold religious artifacts including crucifixes and medals displayed on a sixteenth century Bible. -1715 Fleet
Caption 33- A gold cross, brooch and ring inset with Colombian emeralds, surrounded by Colombian two escudos. -Maravillas 1656
Caption 33- A gold cross, brooch and ring inset with Colombian emeralds, surrounded by Colombian two escudos. -Maravillas 1656

5 thoughts on “The John de Bry Collection”

    1. Thank you very much for your email. I am very pleased that you enjoyed the images featured in our John de Bry collection. Any other comments you may have about our redesigned website would be appreciated.
      Best regards,
      Ben Costello, Director

  1. I’m so happy to see these images here. My Grandfather is the late Art Hartman, who was integral is bringing up the Maravillas, as well as the 1715 Fleet. I, actually, have originals of these very photos in my hands right now; I was looking through them as I am packing to move. It appears that I have some photos that you either don’t have or haven’t posted. These images make my heart happy. Thank you for sharing them with the world!

  2. ABSOLUTELY breath taking displays. It’s nice to see these wonderful works of GOLD…. I often wonder where they were or are today. I hope that they are displayed for the public to see… Thanks for sharing John

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