Pirates Competition

To celebrate the publication of the paperback of The Pirate King, it’s competition time. Wreckwatch TV is bringing you an exclusive chance to get your hands on the only hardback copies of The Pirate King signed by authors Sean Kingsley and legendary wreck hunter Rex Cowan.

And that’s not all. In collaboration with Mel Fisher’s Treasures in Florida, you can have your very own Pirate’s Revenge silver piece of eight pendant, cast from real metal found on the wreck of the Spanish galleon the Nuestra Señora de Atocha, lost off Key West in 1622.

To enter the competition, go to Wreckwatch TV, find our film 1724. The Year Pirates Were Born!, press the like button and, the important bit, leave any message in the Comments box. The first seven hearties picked out of the hat win. The competition closes on April 1. Good luck.