The 1715 Fleet Society has recently completed the production of a commemorative replica that will be sold to mark the 300th Anniversary of the loss of the 1715 Fleet. As our model the Fleet Society has chosen to use a well-known and iconic silver coin that was salvaged from a 1715 Fleet wreck site.
Many of you may recognize this as a coin featured on our website in the Fleet Society Research Collection. Known as the “Plate Coin” this coin is considered the finest example of a full and complete date 1715 Mexico 8 reales known to exist. The “Plate Coin” was chosen by members of the Real Eight CompanyAlso referred to occasionally as “The Real 8 Company”- was incorporated in 1961. It had eight members….Kip Wagner, Kip Kelso, Dan Thompson, Harry Cannon, Lou Ullian, Del Long, Erv Taylor and Lis... More to be used on company stationery and stock certificates. Real Eight members searched through thousands of coins before choosing the coin depicted in our Research Collection. There is little doubt why this particular coin was chosen. The 1715 date is strong, bold and complete. Additionally, it has a full “OMJ”. With its pleasing shape, weight and hammer marks it was truly a one of a kind piece.
Our commemorative replica is made of pewter and weighs approximately one ounce. On the reverse of each coin is a reference to the 300th Anniversary Commemoration. Also, as can be seen, there are three distinct reverse styles. There is a Sebastian Reverse, a Vero Beach Reverse, and a Ft. Pierce, Reverse. These three cities were chosen because many of the wreck sites are located at or near these principle locales.
There will be 100 of each type minted. These commemorative replicas will be available at the Florida United Numismatists Summer Show in Orlando on July 9, 10 & 11, 2015. Several pieces are being made into jewelry items. Hopefully they will be available at the FUN Show as well. However, it should be noted that these commemorative replicas will also be available during Commemoration Week from July 26 – August 2, 2015.
The image below shows the replica (at left) next to the original plate coin (at right). The replica is a striking match of exquisite quality and craftsmanship.

A price has not yet been established as all of the expenses associated with the production of this item has yet to be ascertained. Sold along with the replica will be some information about the “Plate Coin” itself on a copy of Real Eight CompanyAlso referred to occasionally as “The Real 8 Company”- was incorporated in 1961. It had eight members….Kip Wagner, Kip Kelso, Dan Thompson, Harry Cannon, Lou Ullian, Del Long, Erv Taylor and Lis... More letterhead. Also, a copy of a Real Eight CompanyAlso referred to occasionally as “The Real 8 Company”- was incorporated in 1961. It had eight members….Kip Wagner, Kip Kelso, Dan Thompson, Harry Cannon, Lou Ullian, Del Long, Erv Taylor and Lis... More stock certificate depicting the coin as part of its logo will be given to all those purchasing this item. The replica is packaged in a small velvet bag with the words “1715 Fleet 300th Anniversary Commemorative Replica” printed in gold.
We think that this item is one that will be a popular keepsake. Those who have already seen the item have expressed an interest in buying all three varieties. We hope you will like it.