Today I met with the Mayor of Ft. Pierce, Florida, Linda Hudson, at her monthly “Coffee with the Mayor”. This meeting is for concerned individuals to have an opportunity to talk to the Mayor about issues that are important to them. Attending the meeting were Suzanne P. Dannahower, who is President of Main Street Ft. Pierce, Inc. Also, from the same group was Pam Gillette.

At the meeting I had an opportunity to discuss the upcoming 300th Anniversary of the loss of the 1715 Fleet and outline events that have already been planned by the Fleet Society. There is much interest in the Anniversary and I was enthusiastically welcomed. It was agreed that I would follow up with the Mayor’s office as well as Main Street Ft. Pierce, Inc., to discuss joint programming
Following my meeting with the Mayor, I went to the St. Lucie Regional History Center where I saw a display of artifacts from the 1715 Fleet. I have provided several images of that display for your review.
Finally, I had the opportunity to see some cannons and an anchor that were salvaged off of the Urca de LimaSee Wedge Wreck. More in 1928. The city of Ft. Pierce commissioned divers to recover the cannons and anchor, which were then displayed at public locations throughout the city. As can be seen in these pictures, the cannons and anchor are in bad shape. Nevertheless, it was very interesting to actually see these items that were salvaged almost 90 years ago.
Next week, I will be meeting with the Director of the Vero Beach Museum of Art to work out details of the Symposium that is being planned for July 28 – 29, 2015.
Also, the banquet plans (July 30, 2015) have also been finalized. More information about these events will be posted in a future newsletter item. Stay tuned for details.
Ben Costello
Director 1715 Fleet Society