1715 Fleet Society Website Analytics Positively Soaring in the Summer of 2022

1715 Fleet Society Website Analytics

Hello Fleet Society, this is board member and web admin Craig Grella with a 1715 Fleet Society Website Analytics update. This summer has been busy for the Fleet Society, with new posts, a new book, and announcement of the new conference. I wanted to give you a few top line numbers, which I believe show the continued growth of the Fleet Society and an undying interest in its treasure.

1715 Fleet Society Website Analytics

Throughout July and August 2022, the 1715 Fleet Society website analytics looked like this:

  • Posted 27 new articles, nearly one every other day.
  • Generated more than 3,200 unique users with more than 10,000 page views. That’s an increase of 19% compared to the same time period last year.
  • Eclipsed the 50,000 page view mark for the year.

We eclipsed 50,000 page view for the year only twice before. We had a high water mark in 2015 with just over 60,000 views on the site, which is the year we had the 300th Anniversary and traffic was at an all-time high for Fleet-related information all across the web. The other time we eclipsed 50,000 page views was last year: 2021. However, last year, it took us the entire year to reach that number, whereas this year – we did it in just 8 months.

If we continue on the same trajectory, we will likely surpass the 2015 numbers and cement 2022 as the best year on record for web engagement.

Another amazing statistic is that last year most users stayed on our site for an average of 2 minutes. This year, most users are staying on our site for an average of more than 3 minutes. That’s an increased reading time of more than 50%, and testament to the post and image quality being added to the site.

I’ll be back at the end of the quarter with another 1715 Fleet Society Website Analytics update. Until then, keep reading and enjoy the site!

Remember, there’s still time to purchase tickets for the next conference. And don’t forget, you can view more information on our Principal Financial Sponsors, St.Lucie Jewelry & Coins, and 2 Bid On It Auctions.