Greetings and Happy New Year. The Fleet Society is pleased to announce that after a two-year absence we will be back with a table at the 68th Annual Florida United Numismatists (F.U. N.) Convention in Orlando. We will be at Table 344 on the bourse floor. We will have available for sale our latest book, Treasures of a Lost Fleet II …

… which was just published this year. It is a companion to Volume 1 (our first book) simply called Treasures of a Lost Fleet, which we published in 2017. Incidentally, if you missed the opportunity to obtain a copy of our first book, be advised that due to heavy demand the second printing of Volume 1 will be out in a few months.
Also at our table, we will have 1715 Fleet refrigerator magnets depicting various Fleet related themes produced by Warren Clark (History Illustrations) of St. Augustine, Florida.
Warren illustrates aspects of Florida’s history on ceramic tile. He has done several projects for the Society over the years and most recently reproduced several images of our Treasure of the Month on to ceramic tiles, as seen below.
If you happen to be at the show please stop by our table and say hello. There will be members of the Society dropping by periodically so you will likely see someone that you know. Also, our table is located on the bourse floor where all the activity is so it should be fun. Note that we will be setting up on Wednesday. We will be there until Saturday afternoon when we will be leaving due to other commitments. So, hope to see you then.
Ben Costello
President, 1715 Fleet Society