DATELINE: Charleston, South Carolina

Personal Note from Ben Costello:

Today I am in the beautiful and historic town of Charleston, South Carolina.  My trip here is mainly business, but I have had some time to do shipwreck research.  Not 1715 Fleet research but research on another shipwreck equally historic and ironically approaching a milestone anniversary.  I am referring to the Hunley.  The Hunley made its mark on history on February 17, 1864 when it became the first submarine to sink an opposing warship.  Tragically, the crew of the Hunley did not live long enough to savor their victory.  They never returned.  The ship was lost to history and mystery until May, 1995 when it was found.  The Hunley was raised intact on August 8, 2000 and is housed in a conservation lab at the Warren Lasch Conservation Center in Charleston, South Carolina.  There is much more to say about this little submersible but I will leave that to our readers to explore on their own.  For more information on the Hunley visit Friends of the Hunley and become a member.  I did.

Ben Costello