DATELINE: New Iberia, Louisiana

Back by popular demand! 

The 1715 Fleet Society is happy to report that the new revised edition of the “The Treasure Fleet of 1715: Search for the Queen’s Jewels” by professional marine archaeologist Robert F. Westrick is now available through our website. For those of you who visited us at the January 2012 FUN Show in Orlando, Florida you might recall seeing a copy of Rob’s book at our table. The interest generated by this book encouraged Rob to print another edition. This revised edition is 113 pages has special color photographs with a memorial dedication to Mo Molinar. The book also includes historical data concerning the 1715 Spanish Plate Fleet, a description of the Queen’s Jewels, salvage efforts of the 1960’s to present day and a never before published confidential theory on one of the missing ships. Also included is a comprehensive bibliography together with an index of maps, charts and sites. The books sells for $29.99 plus $3 shipping. For information on how to order go to our products page.