Dateline: Pittsburgh, PA – Fleet Society to Offer Numismatic Presentation

1715 Fleet Society Logo

On November 11, 2015 Ben Costello, Director of the 1715 Fleet Society, will deliver a presentation to the Sphinx Society, a Pittsburgh based numismatic group. The organization consists of a small group of numismatists and specialized collectors who write, lecture, and advance numismatic subjects.

The presentation will focus on the recent 300th Anniversary of the loss of the 1715 Fleet. Also featured will be a display of shipwreck artifacts from the 1715 Fleet. It is anticipated that approximately 25 people will attend the presentation.

“This presentation is consistent with our overall mission, which is to promote public awareness of the 1715 Fleet and the numismatic significance of the coins associated with the sinking of the Fleet,” said Ben Costello, Director.