Greetings. This update if for those planning to attend the Conference and Dinner next month in St. Augustine. With the help of Laura Stevenson Dumas who is Director of College Relations for Flagler College, we have been granted free parking for the duration of our Conference from noon Wednesday, March 15, 2017 through noon Sunday, March 19, 2017. If you would access the Flagler College map which I posted in our newsletter on February 7, 2017, you will notice at the end of King Street (on the map) there are several residence halls identified as A, B and C (#26). These are known as the Florida East Coast Railway buildings. On the map you will see what appears to be a large vacant parking lot. The college constructed a large parking garage on that location which was recently opened in late 2016. This parking facility can be accessed by turning on Malaga Street. We will be issued parking passes which I will distribute to those attending the Conference and Dinner. These passes should be displayed on the dashboard of your vehicle. For your information the parking facility is only a few blocks from building #18 which is where the Conference is being held. I have pined the distance and it takes about 4 – 5 minutes to get there (at a steady pace).
This free parking is a great benefit to those attending the Conference and Dinner, because as I have stated in several earlier posts, parking can be a problem in St. Augustine. We are allowed to use the parking facility beginning noon Wednesday (March 15, 2017) and ending noon Sunday (March 19, 2017).
Stay tuned for more information about the parking passes. Flagler security will be sending me a pass which I can then download and email to those attending the Conference.
I will keep you informed of any new developments. If anyone has any questions about the parking pass, please send me an email. Thank you very much.
Ben Costello, Director