Old Treasure New Blood

The Fleet Society is very pleased to announce that the latest book authored by Terry Armstrong (member # 9) is now available on Amazon. Terry has been a great supporter of the Society and has been a featured speaker at several of our conferences. Terry’s books are painstakingly researched and are very popular within the shipwreck community. We have no doubt that his latest offering will be well received. Below is a summary of his newest book.

Old Treasure New Blood
by Tyrell Armstrong

In 1715, the Spanish treasure fleet, bound for home, was passing through the Bahama Channel when a hurricane destroyed all of the ships, save one. More than a thousand lives were lost, and seventeen million pesos in registered specie and bullion went to the bottom. This tragedy occurred along a stretch of shore now celebrated as the Treasure Coast of Florida, so named for the vast bounty of gold and silver, which continues to be found there.

Three centuries later, Old Treasure New Blood is a review of that disaster with emphasis on the fleet’s salvage over the last hundred years. The book contains many first-hand recollections of people involved in the ongoing adventure, more than 20 maps, over 120 photos, and 10 illustrations. An analysis of the coastal venue, the ships involved, and previously unpublished narratives round out the story.

At least two of the 1715 Fleet ships seemingly disappeared without a trace and somewhere in the wreckage a parcel of jewelry, specially crafted for Queen Isabella, has yet to be found. Where is it? The hunt continues!

To purchase a copy on Amazon, click HERE.