American Numismatic Association World’s Fair of Money Day 2

Today is Day 2 of the A.N.A. World’s Fair of Money here in Chicago. I spent the day securing donations for our new book Treasures of a Lost Fleet II which is soon to go into production. The book focuses on our Treasure of the Month series which was started in May 2011. In 2017 we produced our first book featuring monthly treasures from 2011 to 2016. Our latest effort picks up where the last book leaves in January 2017 and runs through December 2021. We hope to get the book in time for our conference in late October. The response for donations has been good. There are many dealers here who have an interest in the Society. Our website has been mentioned as a great resource for all things Fleet related.

Tomorrow I will visit some old friends from Florida who are in attendance here. Check back then.

Ben Costello, President