Today is Day 3 of the A.N.A. World’s Fair of Money here in Chicago. I started off the day at the U.S. Mint exhibit where I waited in line (actually I was the first one there) to buy the 2022 American Liberty Silver Medal which was released today at 11:00 am Eastern Time. While waiting in line I had the opportunity to interact with the U.S. Mint employees who were very helpful and accommodating. After that two-hour experience, I visited the table of Daniel Frank Sedwick who, along with his staff, is a big supporter of the Fleet Society. In the past, he and his staff have provided images and content for our Treasure of the Month series. Dan’s table was busy as usual. In addition to Dan were Augi Garcia and Connor Falk who took the time to visit with me briefly. On display, there were items that will be featured in the upcoming November auction (November 3-5, 2022). Included in the group were two gold bars and a number of Fleet-related gold coins.
After leaving Dan’s table I visited a number of club tables to introduce myself around. Much time was spent at the F.U.N. (Florida United Numismatists) where I visited with club president Bob Hurst and his wife Dreama. Also, there was Cindy Wibker. F.U.N. Board Secretary and F.U.N. Show coordinator. Cindy will be retiring soon and I had a chance to meet her replacement, Katie Williams who will be taking over for Cindy.
Another of my favorite clubs is the Albuquerque Coin Club. I visited with club members Phil Vitale, who is an A.N.A. Rep, Tim Fuller, and Rod Frechette. Rod, as it turned out, was recently named Numismatist of the year by the A.N.A. During my visit, we talked about our common interest in Spanish history and coinage, given the heavy Spanish influence in New Mexico. Overall, a very good group.

I also had a chance to visit with Ben Franklin (Pat McBride) and Abe Lincoln (Dennis Boggs) at the local Starbucks. It was quite a scene watching two great historical figures enjoying a Starbucks coffee.
Tomorrow, I will file another report after Fleet Society member Tom Uram (# 23) is presented with the Chester L. Krause Memorial Distinguished Service Award at a special banquet tomorrow night. Tom is the first person to be awarded this special honor.
Ben Costello, President