Since the new site design launched on October 3 (you can read our announcement post here), some of our members have provided valuable user feedback. We want you to know that when you speak, we listen (seriously, we do)!
A few of the recent updates that have been made to the site, incorporating your feedback, are as follows:
- HOMEPAGE: Did you know that if you click on “1715 Fleet Society” in the top left of the main menu bar it will take you to the homepage? Try it out! However, if you didn’t, or if you forget or are not accustomed to clicking there, we’ve added a “Home” link to the menu bar so that you can quickly and easily go back to the homepage any time you want.

- HOW TO: Sometimes we (i.e. the site admins) forget that not everyone automatically knows how to do something online. So, we’ve added a “How To Use the 1715 Fleet Society Website” page, here, for quick and easy reference. Did you forget how to reset your password? No problem! We walk you through step-by-step instructions (available in video or written format). Want to learn how you can participate in the members-only forums? No problem! We cover that too! Be sure to check out all of the Member Tutorial videos available on this page. Need to access it again later from the website? Just click on the “News” dropdown in the main menu and it’s the third link down. Want to know how to do something that we didn’t cover? Contact us (contact information posted below) and we’ll help you out.

- TOPICS: We recognize that many members want to browse specific topics available on the 1715 Fleet News page. You can select a topic of interest on the 1715 Fleet News page using the “CHOOSE A SPECIFIC TOPIC” filter located at the top of the page. Or you can quickly access our most popular topics in the submenu of “1715 Fleet News” in the main menu. Our most popular topics include Fleet Society Archives, Plus Ultra Cover Coins, The Real Eight Collection, This Day In Fleet History, and Treasure of the Month.

If you have any additional feedback or questions, please let us know.