For those of you who visited our table at the FUN Show two weeks ago you may have noticed some newly designed Fleet Society clothing.
We took this opportunity to introduce a new clothing line that we were considering. We concluded that the FUN Show might be a good venue to show off some of our line and see what the response was. If it was favorable we would move forward with our plans.
Examples are seen below.
I can report that the response was quite favorable, so we will be moving forward with our new line of clothing. In addition to polo shirts, T-shirts and hats, we are considering cargo pants, sweaters and other items all with a 1715 Fleet related logo. The clothes will be available to anyone but some will be specially designed for Fleet Society members only. There will be more information forthcoming as we need some time to design, price and produce the line.
The idea for this endeavor came from Ray Mazzola (member #66) of Indian Head Park, Illinois. He operates Ray’s T-Shirts out of Chicago. He will do the design, production and distribution. Ray has become the official distributor of our new clothing line and we appreciate his willingness to do so. This is especially true as I have been contacted on a number of occasions by members asking if we were going to be producing more shirts. Since I am not in the clothing business Ray’s proposal was cheerfully accepted. The only question was whether or not his designs would be favorably received. As I indicated above, the feedback from the public at the FUN Show was favorable.
In the meantime, if you would like to buy polos, T-shirts or hats as shown in the images above, you can contact Ray at his store: 773-767-7779. His price list is below.
Ben Costello, Director