Continuing efforts are underway to organize the communities along the Treasure Coast to coordinate the commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of the 1715 Fleet Disaster. Notices were sent last year to local community leaders and Chambers of Commerce to alert them of this upcoming event. In addition the 1715 Fleet Society is developing a plan to reach out to many of the institutions of higher learning located in Florida to coordinate educational forums. Of course media involvement will also be necessary.

 In our efforts we have discovered that many of the people we have spoken with were unaware of the 300th Anniversary. Part of our mission is to promote awareness which, thankfully, we are accomplishing a little at a time. We are optimistic that our efforts will ultimately be successful. We are less than four years away form our goal. There is still much to do. We will keep you advised.

 P.S. As indicated in a prior update we are at present time arranging interviews with key individuals who have a lot of history to tell us regarding the early days of Fleet discovery and recovery. These interviews will be published in their entirety here on the 1715 Fleet Society web site in the not too distant future.

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