The 60th Annual FUN Show is now history. From the prospective of the 1715 Fleet Society, it was a great success. After the Fleet Society was established in 2008, it had several goals. One such goal was to facilitate an exhibit of 1715 Fleet related treasure and artifacts which would be shown at the FUN Show in January, 2015.
That goal has been realized. Spearheaded by Bob Hurst who acted as the coordinator of the exhibit on behalf of FUN, together with representatives of the Bureau of Archaeological Resources in Tallahassee, Florida, and the 1715 Fleet Society, the exhibit became a reality. From all indications it was hugely popular with all those in attendance. Catherine Sincich, Conservator, Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, acted as guide who was available to answer questions. She personally took people through the exhibit and with her knowledge of the artifacts served to make the exhibit more interesting.
The Fleet Society booth was located in close proximity to the Exhibit. We were able to enroll a number of new members. Literally hundreds of people visited our booth. We are also pleased to announce that many people offered to volunteer their time and energy to assist the Fleet Society with events that are being planned during Commemoration Week in July of 2015. Given the amount of work that is going to be involved in the Commemoration we would like to thank all of those who offered their assistance.
What follows are some additional pictures that were submitted to us by folks who attended the FUN Show Wrap Up.

Right: (Shield side – Obverse) with date, from Mexico