DATELINE: Melbourne, Florida – Fleet Society Research Update

Fleet Society Research Update

As visitors to this website are aware, the Fleet Society is deeply involved in encouraging and promoting research into all things Fleet related, and the purpose of this post is to provide you with a Fleet Society research update.

That is why we were delighted to receive an e mail from Dave Rinehart of Melbourne, Florida, who often frequents our website. Dave advised that he is conducting some independent research on die varieties of Mexico eight reales specifically minted in 1715. To assist him in his research he contacted the Bureau of Archaeological Research (BAR) in Tallahassee.

At Dave’s request, The BAR provided him a complete photographic summary of all Mexico eight reales dated (or partially dated) 1715 from the State of Florida’s collection of Fleet coins. The summary, which was downloaded onto a compact disc, contained images (obverse and reverse) of 105 Mexico eight reales all dated (or partially so) 1715.

Dave then contacted me and offered the 1715 Fleet Society a copy of the CD for the website (with the permission of the BAR). We are deeply appreciative of his kind gesture. We will be featuring the complete list of all images in the near future. We will announce this in a corresponding Newsletter post.

Ben Costello
Director, 1715 Fleet Society