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DATELINE: Melbourne, Florida – The Thompson Files

A few years ago, I was pleased to come into possession of a number of scrap books filled with historical documents relating to the work of Colonel Dan Thompson and the Real Eight Company. These books were the property of Jane Thompson, widow of the Colonel. Jane kept a meticulous record of her husband’s exploits recovering coins and artifacts from the wreck sites of the 1715 Fleet.

Jane’s files included not only hundreds of newspapers articles, but also magazine articles, personal photos, and records of the Real Eight Company. Many of these documents are original and I suspect have not been seen for decades.

With Jane’s permission I was able to download over 1,500 documents which are now digitally reproduced. It has taken quite some time to accomplish this task. The Fleet Society is now reviewing the collection to determine what can legally be reproduced and displayed on this website.

Over the next few months, we will be publishing pieces of the collection in our documents section under the category “The Thompson Files.”  Whenever we post a new installment we will notify our readers with a message in our newsletter.

We believe that this added feature will be quite popular as well as educational and informative. We wish to thank Jane Thompson and her family for allowing us to share this information with our readers.

Ben Costello
Director, 1715 Fleet Society

1 thought on “DATELINE: Melbourne, Florida – The Thompson Files”

  1. Darrel Strickland

    I am happy to see friends/family of past salvagers/collectors of the Treasure Coast sharing invaluable documents, photos, letters, and finds. I have been fortunate knowing many of the long forgotten salvagers and beachcombers whom found numerous artifacts and treasures along those beach lines and (dunes!) Thank all spending the time researching and getting this info out there for future treasure hunters and historians. I have left 1715 material with Pamela Cooper, Vero Beach Library for those interestef.

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