On January 5th 2012 the Florida United Numismatists will kick off it’s 57th Annual Convention at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando Florida. The 1715 Fleet Society has arranged for an informational booth to be located at the show. Information will be available concerning our efforts and our plans for commemorating the anniversary of the 1715 Fleet disaster in 2015. Addition information can be obtained by calling Ben Costello at 724-344-3171 or emailing at 1715fleetsociety@gmail.com
DATELINE: Orlando, Florida
- Posted in Newsletter

Craig Grella
Craig Grella is a digital marketer who has designed and developed more than 400 websites for businesses, nonprofits, and governments.
He has an engineering degree from Lehigh University.
He also enjoys watching Yankees baseball, playing guitar, and riding motorcycles, though not at the same time - that would be dangerous.
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