While I was visiting Florida recently I stopped by the McClarty Treasure Museum in Sebastian for a visit. There I met Corey Kerkela, the new Museum Coordinator and Volunteer Manager. His predecessor, Ed Perry, recently retired after many years of dedicated service. Corey, along with volunteer George R. LaPorte (a Fleet Society member), informed me that plans are in the works for a major renovation of the museum. Details are sketchy at the moment, but from what Corey was able to tell me it would appear that the displays will be updated and redesigned to enhance and enrich the museum experience. A new video for them is also planned. Contributions to the project are being cheerfully accepted. Anyone interested in being a part of this enterprise should contact the Museum and ask for Corey Kerkela at 772 589 2147.
More about the museum renovation will be forthcoming as information is received.
Ben Costello, Director