The 1715 Fleet Society was pleased to display an exhibit of 1715 Fleet related artifacts at the Treasure Coast Coin and Currency Show, held by the Treasure Coast Coin Club in Vero Beach, Florida on Saturday, January 24, 2015 and Sunday, January 25, 2015.

The exhibit was very well received and we were visited by some notable individuals, foremost among them was Marine Archaeologist John de Bry. Also visiting were Gay Withers, daughter of former Real 8 member Dan ThompsonDan Thompson (1920 – 2005) Was a diver and original member of the Real Eight Company. Born in Savannah, Georgia, he was an electrical engineer and had a distinguished career in the U.S. Air Forc... More and Jason Johnson, grandson of former Real 8 member, Bob Johnson.

A very nice marine display was provided by Karen McKee, daughter of legendary diver and salvager Art McKee. Jason Johnson provided a unique display item for our exhibit. It was a grouping of encrusted silver Eight Reale coin which appeared to have been placed in the bottom of a chest or other type of container before being loaded on to one of the 1715 Fleet galleons lost in the hurricane of July 31, 1715. This exquisite encrusted piece attracted a lot of attention.

The picture above shows Jason Johnson’s exceptional group of encrusted coins (top), and the clump (bottom center) which is also our February 2015 Treasure of the Month.
Overall, the Show was quite enjoyable and the Fleet Society thanks Chet Hogan, President of the Treasure Coast Coin Club for inviting us to participate in the Show. Note that the Club will also be assisting the Fleet Society during Commemoration Week in July.
The Club will be involved in providing refreshments at a program at the McLarty Treasure Museum on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 4:30 pm. Also, they will be sponsoring a “Meet & Greet” in Ft. Pierce, Florida on Wednesday, July 29, 2015 from 5 pm – 7 pm.