DATELINE: Vero Beach, Florida – Conference and Banquet Update

I have been in Vero Beach since July 12th making final preparations. There are many small details that need to be attended to and it requires “boots on the ground” so to speak to ensure that these tiny details are dealt with.

A couple of things that you all need to know. If any of you have not purchased tickets online for the Conference or the Banquet please do so by the end of the day. I need to get a “hard count” to the caterer for the conference by Friday, July 25, 2015 and a “hard count” to the banquet manager by July 27, 2015. No further tickets will be able to be sold after those dates. Obviously, if someone calls me at the last-minute and wants to go I probably would be able to work it out. But it creates a problem for all those involved so I thought I better let everyone know.

Right now we have 95 people attending the Banquet and 58 attending the Conference (along with the Presenters). I think these events will be something that will be long remembered. If you have not yet signed up to attend these events, please get your orders in today.

For the rest of this week I will be doing press interviews and basically getting the word out. I did a radio spot and Thursday I was interviewed on a local television show.

For those of you who have signed up for these events, I look forward to seeing you. For those who have not, I hope to see you. If anybody has any questions about anything give me a call on my cell at 724-344-3171. If I don’t’ answer right away, I will get back to you.

Thank you very much.