SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Mug #4 in our series of eight Commemorative Mugs is in production. This mug features several silver eight reales from El Peru with an antique map of Florida as the background. To view our Commemorative Mugs 1 through 3, (which are available for sale through this website), click here. Mug #4 should be available in a few weeks. Mug #5 in our series should be completed by early spring. Additional information will be forthcoming in future postings.
DATELINE: Washington, Pennsylvania

- Posted in Newsletter

Craig Grella
Craig Grella is a digital marketer who has designed and developed more than 400 websites for businesses, nonprofits, and governments.
He has an engineering degree from Lehigh University.
He also enjoys watching Yankees baseball, playing guitar, and riding motorcycles, though not at the same time - that would be dangerous.
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