Day 4 Recap: ANA World’s Fair of Money

Today was, by far, my most interesting day. I spent a lot of time talking to dealers and collectors about joining and/or supporting the Fleet Society. I spent a good part of the afternoon talking to Mike Dunigan (member #50) who further advanced my education on coins from the 1715 Fleet as well as other coins from other Spanish colonial mints of the Fleet era. I purchased many interesting coins from Mike and I appreciated the time he devoted to me. I also had a very interesting discussion with David Huang, a relatively new member (member #198) of the Society. David is a young and enthusiastic Fleet aficionado who you will be hearing a lot from in the future. David is soon to be added to our Advisory Board as our Membership Representative. David will be intimately involved with garnering new, young members which our Society needs. During our conversation, he showed me the latest addition to his collection, a beautiful one escudo from the Mexico City mint. The coin has a buttery gold surface with a red bloom which is consistent with gold coins from the Fleet that have been exposed to iron deposits from spikes and other iron fittings used in the construction of Fleet-era ships. As the iron disintegrates it leaves a rosey bloom on coins which is very attractive and desirable to collectors.

Tomorrow, the show ends and I will be departing. The next big show that I will be attending is the Fall Show of the Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists. I hope to see you there.