December 2019 Treasure of the Month

For December’s Treasure of the Month we are going to revisit one of the most recognized and revered artifacts ever associated with the 1715 Fleet: the Dragon Whistle.  Previously featured as our Treasure of the Month for July 2013, the Dragon Whistle and chain was found on the beach near the Cabin Wreck site in November, 1962. It was the centerpiece of the Parke-Bernet auction held on February 4, 1967. It sold for $50,000.00.

Our desire to add this item to our Christmas list resulted in the decision to feature this iconic artifact up close and personal with some new, never before seen images. Also shown along with the Dragon Whistle is a small aggregate of coins and a porcelain cup, both rare and valuable in their own right. When viewed closely, the intricate design and workmanship of the whistle is apparent.

Side view of Dragon Whistle
Side view of Dragon Whistle close up
The mouth of the Dragon
Dragon Whistle and chain with three silver eight reales.
Dragon Whistle and chain with interior view of porcelain cup.
Dragon Whistle graces the cover of a once popular late 1960’s magazine.

Unfortunately, we will not find these items under our Christmas tree anytime soon.  There is only one Dragon Whistle and that has already been found. But hope remains for the recovery of small aggregates and porcelain cups in the future. Perhaps if we are good we may find one of these under our tree someday.

3 thoughts on “December 2019 Treasure of the Month”

    1. Frank, I just received an email from someone who claims there was another dragon whistle was found in Ft. Pierce on Douglass Beach in January of 1970. Have you heard anything about this?

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