February 2013 Treasure of the Month

February’s treasure of the month is a unique golden crucifix that was brought to our attention by a visitor at the recent FUN (Florida United Numismatists) Show in Orlando. He told us this incredible story. In August of 2012 he was visited by an old friend who had an interest in shipwrecks and treasure. Together they visited some shipwreck-related museums and eventually decided to search some of the beaches along the Treasure Coast and try their luck. He had no idea what was waiting for him. He and his friend had walked for about an hour and a half and were about to leave when his friend kicked up something in the loose sand. Our visitor said that the item glimmered, and he bent down to investigate. He gripped the object and picked it up. What he found was treasure. The gold-and-enamel crucifix pictured is slightly less than three inches in length. On one side is the image of the crucified Christ, and on the other the image of the Virgin Mary. Upon personal inspection, the artifact is found to be in excellent condition. Under close magnification, exquisite and intricate details are apparent. This treasure illustrates that the 1715 Fleet is still giving up its treasures, although reluctantly. The amazing part about this story is that this crucifix was found on the beach with only the naked eye and not the benefit of a metal detector.

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