Our special treasure for February is this sweet little “clump” (technically known as an “aggregate”) which consists of approximately 100 one reales and half reales. Weighing approximately one pound, it is obvious from its shape that this small grouping was most likely in a bag when it was lost.
One can only imagine who might have owned these coins. Was it a merchant who kept them in a small leather bag attached to his belt for easy access? Was it part of a small military payroll? We will never know.
What we do know is that aggregates are very rare. Unfortunately, most have been disassembled so that the coins contained therein could be separated from the clump.
One of the largest clumps in existence (which may very well be the last remaining clump of its size) was recently on display at the FUN Show in Orlando, Florida from January 8 – 11, 2015. This clump, which is part of the State of Florida Collection, weighed-in at a whopping 55.9 lbs.
Because of its rarity, a clump of this nature is priceless. Fortunately, it will remain in the capable hands of the Bureau of Archaeological Resources where it will be protected from damage or deterioration.