February 2016 Treasure of the Month

1715 Fleet Society February 2016 Treasure of the Month Gold Rings

Inasmuch as the month February is associated with lovers (Valentine’s Day) we thought it appropriate to feature two gold rings as our Treasure(s) of the Month for February. The rings seen here are exquisite in their design and style.

The ring on the lower left exhibits a diamond pattern, while the ring above it portrays two hands holding a heart. Both pieces demonstrate the work of a master craftsman. One can only imagine the story that these rings have to tell. Perhaps they were given to a young lady by a hopeful suitor.

Perhaps they were part of a dowry. We will never know for sure. What we do know is that in the early morning hours of July 31, 1715, these rings were separated from their owners by a massive hurricane that destroyed the Fleet of 1715.

Did their owners survive, or were they counted among the lost souls that perished that night? Again, we will never know. But, for now, we can marvel at their beauty and imagine.