While researching Real Eight CompanyAlso referred to occasionally as “The Real 8 Company”- was incorporated in 1961. It had eight members….Kip Wagner, Kip Kelso, Dan Thompson, Harry Cannon, Lou Ullian, Del Long, Erv Taylor and Lis... More documents acquired from Dan ThompsonDan Thompson (1920 – 2005) Was a diver and original member of the Real Eight Company. Born in Savannah, Georgia, he was an electrical engineer and had a distinguished career in the U.S. Air Forc... More (one of the original members of that company) I found this interesting article from the September 1976 edition of “Treasure Magazine”. It appears that 16 gold bars were unearthed at a construction site at Fernandina Beach in April of 1976. The bars were subsequently sent by court order to Florida State University where they were to be analyzed. Beyond this article in “Treasure Magazine”, no further information has been found.
The article itself was sent to Dan ThompsonDan Thompson (1920 – 2005) Was a diver and original member of the Real Eight Company. Born in Savannah, Georgia, he was an electrical engineer and had a distinguished career in the U.S. Air Forc... More by Bill Parker who wrote a cryptic note that says: “Dan. When you get a chance call me”. Who Bill Parker was, and what his connection to this find may have been, is unknown.
Fleet Society member Dave Crooks (membership # 7) has volunteered his time to help discover what might have happened to these gold bars. We are seeking the assistance of anyone who might be able to shed light on this story. If you think that you might have information that will enable us to solve this mystery please feel free to call me at 724-344-3171.
Ben Costello, Director