From The Fleet Society Archives — November 21, 1962

Here is an interesting item from our archives. It is a letter from Dan Thompson to Mr. Richard H. Sanger, Washington D.C. Our research shows that Mr. Sanger was a Diplomat and an authority on the Middle East (if there is such a thing). How Dan Thompson became acquainted with him is unknown. But apparently, Dan Thompson thought highly of him, so much so that he offered Mr. Sanger the opportunity to buy into the Real Eight Company. What is interesting about this letter, however, is that it is the first time we can find where a reference to “a very valuable item which we recovered within the past three weeks” is mentioned. This “valuable item” that he is referring to is none other than the iconic Dragon Whistle which has been the subject of many articles and commentary. Thompson was a bit optimistic in his estimate of its value as it sold in February 1967 at an auction for $50,000.00 By today’s standards that was quite a bargain. The Dragon Whistle is still around today in a private collection.

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