The Great Florida Treasure Find

January 1965 edition of Argosy.




















1 thought on “The Great Florida Treasure Find”

  1. Darrel Strickland

    I was fortunate to know Bruce in my youner years. I have met family members over the years, and they were surprised I knew him.

    In 2019, Roger Cargile began auctioning off Bruce’s estate after his passing. I had no clue what had happened to him or where he was living until this auction.

    I was fortunate to win many of the lots that were offered. I have been using electrolysis to remove the 250 years of crustation formed around each coin.

    I have already discovered partial dates and one 1714 Pillar and Wave. My lots were 8s and 4s. Did not win any of the 1/2s, 1s, or 2s.

    I am hoping as these coins begin to circulate (2 were listed on eBay for $395 each uncleaned) they will be shared with this site or Treasure Beach Report.

    Very important part of history, and most likely Kip would not have had the success without Bruce showing him some of the sites and beaches near the wrecks.

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