Greetings. Recently I had the opportunity to talk to Fleet Society member Douglas Mudd (member # 90) who also happens to be the Curator/Director of the American Numismatic Association (ANA) Edward C. Rochette Money Museum in Colorado Springs. Following our conversation, I asked him to send me information on joining the ANA. Inasmuch as we have 179 members in the Fleet Society I thought it might be a good idea to suggest that those of you who are not members of the ANA consider joining this great organization. With a membership of over 27,000, the ANA provides great benefits to its members and advances numismatic education and opportunities.
I asked Doug to send me some information on how to join the ANA as well as the benefits of joining. This information can be accessed at the links listed below.

Click here to learn more about the benefits of joining the American Numismatic Association (ANA).
I sincerely urge any Society member who is not a part of the ANA to consider joining. I almost forgot to add that the ANA also publishes a first-rate monthly magazine called The Numismatist which is certainly worth the cost of joining.
Ben Costello
President, 1715 Fleet Society