More On the Misidentified Coin

As a follow-up to our post of April 5 (here), I received some comments from two of our distinguished members. Frank Noga (Member #1) and Phil Flemming (Original Founding Member). Both sent an e-mail commenting on the misidentified coin that was featured in our April 5 post. Frank Noga was the person who first brought this coin to our attention and did the background work to help properly identify the coin. Over the years Frank has been a great asset helping us with various coin issues. Frank pointed out that our featured coin has what he referred to as a “staggered date”. A staggered date is nothing more than a die variety. The digits of the staggered date look “jumbled” and are not straight up and down. He directed our attention to a coin featured in our Research Collection that also has a staggered date. Below is a comparison of these two coins.

Frank also pointed out that there was another die variety known as a “straight date”, which can also be seen below. Phil Flemming, our Vice President, also contacted us about these die varieties after we heard from Frank. Many thanks to Frank and Phil for reaching out to us and helping expand our knowledge about dated silver coins from the 1715 Fleet.

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