The Treasure of the Month for October is a group of eight silver reales from the Joel Ruth Hoard found after Hurricane Jeanne in September 2004. This group includes eight reales from three different Spanish Colonial mints: Mexico City, Lima, and Potosí. A number of these coins were featured in an article which appeared in Treasure Magazine in January of 2005. These coins are all of magnificent quality and are full weight.
October 2014 Treasure of the Month
- Posted in Newsletter, Treasure of the Month
![Picture of Craig Grella](
Craig Grella
Craig Grella is a digital marketer who has designed and developed more than 400 websites for businesses, nonprofits, and governments.
He has an engineering degree from Lehigh University.
He also enjoys watching Yankees baseball, playing guitar, and riding motorcycles, though not at the same time - that would be dangerous.
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