Plus Ultra Cover Coin – Fourth Quarter 2014

Welcome to our newest regular feature from the archives of the Plus Ultra Newsletter. The Plus Ultra Newsletter was published from 1983 until 2016 and was at the time considered by many to be the leading authority on all things related to the 1715 Fleet. A regular feature of each issue was the “Cover Coin” which was highlighted on the cover of each issue. Along with the coin was a short paragraph or two explaining the significance of the coin. We are indeed pleased to be able to present this “Cover Coin” from the annals of the Plus Ultra Newsletter.

For more information about the Plus Ultra Newsletter and other publications by Ernie Richards, visit En Rada Publications at

Plus Ultra Cover Coin - Fourth Quarter 2014

This ruggedly handsome piece-of-eight was minted at the Mexico City facility. It’s a full date 1715 Mexico Eight Reales. 25.8 grams. Full and complete ‘OMJ’. All digits of date visible but not complete. Approximately 40% of shield visible … and extremely strong.

Obverse hammer marks quite distinct, with one blunted corner visible. The blunted corner is due to the minting process. Reverse cross well centered but not quite complete. Lions and castles visible but not distinct. Surfaces of this coin are extremely nice.

A very choice example.
