Shipwrecks, Treasure, Hoards, and Finds from Around the World

Greetings website visitors,

We would like to announce a new addition to our website.

Effective July 1, 2024, we will be featuring a new page called “Shipwrecks, Treasure, Hoards, and Finds from Around the World”. This page will focus on stories about non-Fleet-related material that we feel would be of interest to those who visit our website and like to read about shipwrecks and treasure in general. We will continue with our regular Fleet newsletter page that will now deal exclusively with information specifically devoted to all things Fleet-related. This will include our regular Treasure of the Month feature, This Day in Fleet History, tidbits from the Fleet Society Archives, new recoveries, and more.

We want to remain faithful to our mission and purpose as the 1715 Fleet Society. With the addition of this new feature, we believe that we can do that. It is clear from comments left on our website that viewers, as well as our members, have other shipwreck interests that can be satisfied by having a separate, but not primary, newsletter offering interesting stories about shipwrecks and other treasure finds from around the globe. We are confident that this new addition will increase viewership which in turn helps the website gain more popularity and increase our content analytics. In any event, we hope you enjoy the stories and information this new feature will provide.

Thank you for your support.

Ben Costello
President, 1715 Fleet Society

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