Happy Holidays!
This is Dave Crooks, President of the Sunken Treasure Coin & Book Society.
It’s time to start thinking about the FUN (Florida United Numismatic) coin show in January … and our annual Coin & Book Society meeting.
The Sunken Treasure Coin & Book Society meeting will be at 1 pm on Friday, January 6th in Room N320A at the Orange County Convention Center (North Building)
I am not going to reserve space for an official club dinner this year because of the continued threats of Covid, Flu, RSV, Colds, Scurvy, etc. However, for those of you who like to live dangerously, I will be at Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse, 6115 Westwood Blvd (at International Drive 1 mile south of the Convention Center), at 7 pm on Thursday, January 5th. I am only making a reservation for 6 people, so you might want to reserve your own table HERE.
Here’s a rundown of some of the new books I’ve recently acquired and read:
Hunt for Gold: Sunken Galleons in the New World
by John Christopher Fine (most of the book is a biography of Bob & Margaret Weller and their 1715 Fleet finds, but also includes other early salvors). Just published on Amazon
Today’s the Day – The Mel Fisher Story
by Wendy Tucker (not Teddy Tucker’s daughter)
Excellent biography of Mel Fisher by the editor of the Key West newspaper. Contains many interviews with Mel and the author’s commentary. Available on Amazon.
Wreckwatch – August 2022 (138 pages; color illustrations; 8 ½ x 11; softbound book – all about the Maravillas)
Currently only available from the Bahamas Maritime Museum in Freeport but should be on Amazon sometime in 2023.
Queen Anne’s Treasure
by Robert MacKinnon (the story of the HMS Feversham by one of the salvors)
Should be available in January 2023 on Amazon.
Treasure Coins of the Nuestra Senora de Atocha & the Santa Margarita
by Carol Tedesco (2022 Anniversary Edition)
45 pages. Includes new material. Available on Amazon.
Untangling the Record―A contemporary review of Potosi and Lima mint coins and assayer history from the mint openings up to 1622
by Carole Tedesco
Second printing with new information. Available on Amazon.
Finding X by Terry Armstrong
Computerized technology and advanced sensory methodology used to find the 1715 Fleet treasures. Available on Amazon.
A Perilous Journey from Cuba
by Alan Balogh (his first non-fiction book on treasure)
Some new information on the 1715 Fleet including the passenger list. Also includes the history of the Spanish monarchy during the galleon period. Available from HERE.
Treasured Life – Surrendering to the Siren’s Song
by Randy Lathrop (edited by Terry Armstrong)
The story of the author’s exploits underwater including cave diving around the world, professional photography, tour guide, treasure hunting on the 1715 Fleet, and salvaging the “Regina” in the Great Lakes. He made national headlines in his pursuit of the lost Spanish ship, the La Esclavitud, off the coast of Cape Canaveral and the subsequent court battle that followed. Available on Amazon
Treasure Where Art Thou – A History of Treasure Hunting in the News – Florida 1904-1968
by Randy Lathrop
This is a collection of newspaper articles about Florida treasure hunting between 1904 and 1968. There is quite a bit of material about the 1715 Fleet. Available on Amazon
1622 Fleet Bibliography – Atocha & Santa Margarita
by Rob Westrick, Dave Crooks, and Gail Swanson
This 199-page book is an exhaustive bibliography of Atocha, Santa Margarita, and 1622 Fleet publications. It includes books (with descriptions), magazines, newspaper articles, Plus Ultra newsletter articles, auction catalogs, unpublished reports & manuscripts, original archival material, as well as documentaries and museums. Available from Rob Westrick at: robertwestrick@hotmail.com
Treasure & Tragedy
by Gavin Clackworthy
This is a first-person description of salvaging the following shipwrecks in South Africa, Mauritius, and the Cape Verde Islands: Reijgersdaal, Johanna, Birkenhead, Milagros, Cabalva, Sabina, Bredenhof, Hartwell, Leijmuiden, and Santo Andre. I bought my copy from eBay and the seller was Sedwick Coins. Not available on Amazon.
Also, Ben Costello, President of the 1715 Fleet Society, will give a brief report on the state of the Society, what it has accomplished in 2022, and its plans for the future.
Looking forward to seeing you in early January,
Dave Crooks
Dave Crooks is a member of the 1715 Fleet Society Advisory Board and is the Society’s Librarian.