Category: Treasure of the Month

Each month, Fleet Society Directors feature one treasure piece of special significance to the 1715 Fleet.

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January 2013 Treasure of the Month

From the 1715 Fleet, a choice Potosí eight reales. About 2.3 percent of the reales recovered from the Fleet come from this Peruvian mint. The pillar side of the coin shows both El Peru and

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December 2012 Treasure of the Month

December’s Treasure of the Month consists of two jewelry pieces found in 1992 by Bob “Frogfoot” Weller’s crew not far from Kip Wagner’s cabin near Sebastian, Florida. According to Margaret Weller, Bob’s widow, the piece

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November 2012 Treasure of the Month

November’s Treasure of the Month is a gold tray, once thought to be a communion tray. Later, it was determined to be a cocoa pot tray. A form of relatively sweet, but spiced cocoa was

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October 2012 Treasure of the Month

Octobers Treasure of the Month is a mystery item. Obviously it is a fish, but what is its purpose? Is it simply a pendant? A fancy piece of jewelry? Or does it have some other

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September 2012 Treasure of the Month

Our featured Treasure of the Month is an intimate group of five Mexican eight reales from the Spanish colonial mind at Mexico City. These coins display the prominent hammer marks or faceting blows, that are

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August 2012 Treasure of the Month

August’s Treasure of the Month is actually a treasure within a treasure. On June 1st, 2003, Captain Jon Wilson  and his crew were working on the Cabin Wreck, one of the most productive of the

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July 2012 Treasure of the Month

July 31, 2012 is Fleet Day and will mark the 297th anniversary of the 1715 Fleet disaster. But July 31st also marks another important but lesser-known Fleet anniversary. On July 31, 1992, the late Captain

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June 2012 Treasure of the Month

June’s Treasure of the Month is an assortment of spectacular jewelry items from an old collection that was recently brought to our attention. The owner of these pieces very graciously allowed us to photograph them

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May 2012 Treasure of the Month

“THE GREATEST COIN RECOVERED FROM THE 1715 FLEET” Mr. and Mrs. Lucky had been coming to Florida’s Treasure Coast for a few years, and they dabbled in a pastime here known as metal-detecting. Escaping the

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April 2012 Treasure of the Month

Without the recoveries from the 1715 Fleet, our knowledge of Carlos II (1666-1700) Lima escudos would be minimal and fragmentary. Here is a great example. Before 1964 no Lima four escudos were known for most

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March 2012 Treasure of the Month

It was in the early afternoon of a June day in 1967 that John de Bry found his first significant artifact to date, a silver-gilded miniature urn. The gilding was still visible in places, with

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February 2012 Treasure of the Month

February’s treasure of the month is a forty-coin clump of eight reales. This fist-size clump is solid and quite impressive in its color and composition. The coins appear to be full weight and largely uncorroded.

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January 2012 Treasure of the Month

This month’s featured offering is a rare 1715 Fleet coin with political significance. It is the only surviving gold coin struck by the Lima mint in 1701 in the name of Philip V. The reference

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December 2011 Treasure of the Month

December’s Treasure of the Month is a nice cache of gold and jewelry from the 1715 Fleet. The gold coins, fresh from the sea, still exhibit ocean deposits. The jewelry, although quite old, shows no

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November 2011 Treasure of the Month

November’s Treasure of the Month is a three-coin trio of 1715 eight reales, which graced the cover of the 100th Issue Milestone Edition of the PLVS VLTRA Newsletter. These coins are all nicely dated 1715

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October 2011 Treasure of the Month

October’s Treasure of the Month is this nifty little silver ingot salvaged from the 1715 Fleet. It weighs a hefty 21.5 troy ounces with dimensions of 11 x 3.1 x 2.9 cm. Notice the sugar-loaf

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September 2011 Treasure of the Month

September’s featured treasure is this gorgeous 1715 Fleet eight escudos produced at the Spanish colonial mint in Lima. By any measure of rarity, the 1705 Lima is a rare Fleet coin. Only a handful of

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August 2011 Treasure of the Month

Our featured treasure for August is a sweet, fully dated 1714 two escudos from the Spanish colonial mint in Mexico City. This piece was found by our friend Mike Brown, who was working the Corrigan’s

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July 2011 Treasure of the Month

Our featured treasure for July is the fully dated 1715 silver eight reales coin depicted on the Fleet Society logo (left). The same coin is shown in the center image, taken from a promotional brochure

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June 2011 Treasure of the Month

Our treasure for June is a cache of silver reales from the Spanish colonial mints of Mexico City and Lima, found by Joel Ruth on a Florida beach after Hurricane Jeanne stormed through in September

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Treasure of the Month

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