DATELINE: Washington, Pennsylvania

This is a post script to the post FUN Show update that I reported on January 16, 2014.  The following group of pictures were taken at the FUN Show between January 9 – 12, 2014. These images depict some of the display items that were exhibited at our table.

Close up view of replica gold discs.

Close up view of display case items depicting coins, chains, jewelry and finger bars.
Encrusted flintlock pistol with replica pistol for comparison.

The Sunken Treasure Book Club met on Friday, January 10, 2014.  As usual the meeting was well attended.  Dave Crooks permitted me to give a brief report regarding the 300th Anniversary Commemoration of the 1715 Fleet disaster in 2015.  I advised the attendees that the Fleet Society had just published a 2015 Commemorative Calendar which was available for $20.00.  I also advised that the first 20 calendars produced were specially designated, signed and numbered and are available at a premium based on the number selected from 1 to 20.

Following the FUN Show, my wife and I traveled along the Treasure Coast from Sebastian to Ft. Pierce.  The purpose of our journey was to begin to make final preparations for next year’s 300th Anniversary Commemoration.  Also, as part of our never ending quest to gather as much archival information about the 1715 Fleet as possible, I made it a point to stop along the way to meet with several individuals that I thought might be able to contribute something to the website.

On Monday, January 13, 2014, I spent the afternoon with Helen Ullian and Jane Thompson.  Helen (wife of the late Lou Ullian) and Jane (wife of the late Dan Thompson) graciously agreed to be interviewed.  Lou and Dan were original members of the Real 8 Company and I thought that it might be interesting to interview their widows to get their prospective on the legacy of the Real 8 Company.  Their interviews will be published in a later edition of the website called “Widows of the Real 8”.

While in Vero Beach I spent an afternoon at the Indian River County Library and copied its extensive collection of 1715 related material dating back to the 1940’s.  This material consisted of articles, newspaper clippings, photographs, and related documents.

On Thursday, January 16, 2014, I went to the Vero Beach Museum of Art located at 3001 Riverside Park Drive to meet with Dr. Lucinda H. Gedeon, Executive Director / CEO of the Museum.  The purpose of my visit was to reserve the museum’s auditorium for a two day symposium on the 1715 Fleet scheduled for July 28 – 29, 2015.  The auditorium holds 247 people and in my estimation would be an ideal location for the symposium.  Consequently, arrangements were made to secure the auditorium and a down payment was tendered.  Also while in Vero I visited Bonnie Schubert of Gold Hawg Treasure, Mike Blanchard of Marine Antiquities and Shipwreck Treasures, and John de Bry, Director, Center for Historical Archaeology.

After leaving Vero Beach we drove to Tallahassee, Florida where on Wednesday, January 22, 2014, I met with Dave Dickel of the Bureau of Archaeological Research to discuss what part of the Florida Collection would be available for exhibition purposes at the 2015 FUN Show.  Also, I had a meeting with Dr. Mary Glowacki, Chief and State Archaeologist, who very cordially agreed to arrange a meeting with Dr. Roger C. Smith, Supervisor and State Underwater Archaeologist.

Overall, I would say that the contacts and meetings that I had during the several weeks that I spent in Florida following the FUN Show was time well spent.  I was pleased to see that everyone was so cooperative and helpful.  My thanks to everyone who took the time to meet with me and offer their guidance and support.

Ben Costello
1715 Fleet Society