As a supplement to our August 26th post (Fleet Society Registers its 100th Member) we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our mystery member, Mr. Dan Porter.

Dan is well known in the shipwreck community as he is the managing member and director of operations for Maritime Research &Recovery LLC (MRR). He has been in the field of historic sunken shipwreck search and recovery for the past 39 years.

Dan began his career as a historic shipwreck salvor in the Bahamas while conducting survey and recovery for Mr. John Brandon on the Lucayan Shipwreck in 1980, 1992, 1993 and 1994. He also worked on the famed Atocha and Margarita sites.
He has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary for his 39 years of experience in working in environmentally sensitive marine habitats. Dan is also actively consulting for specific Central and South American countries as well as island nations throughout the Caribbean.
Dan has recovered many millions of dollars of treasure and innumerable artifacts of significant archaeological and historical importance. All recoveries are undertaken with the latest in technological equipment conducted in an archaeological and environmentally sensitive manner.

During a recent conversation I had with Dan he told me that the coins we featured in an article titled “A Tale of Spanish Doubloons” were coins that he found some years before.

We are pleased to have Dan as our milestone member and welcome him aboard!
For more information about Dan and some fantastic photos please view his full bio here.