Hard Work And Diligence Pays Off

In May of 2021 we featured some gold coins recovered by Captain Mike Perna of the Mighty Mo during the 2019 and 2020 dive seasons. Recently Mike was a guest speaker at our conference in Vero Beach last month. After the conference he was kind enough to send me some additional pictures of some of his finds during those dive seasons. Below is a picture of Mike displaying several gold coins recovered by him and his crew mate Milan Kalekar.

There were a number of silver coins also recovered. Though not as bright and shiny as the gold ( gold is not affected by sea water) the pile of silver found is nevertheless impressive.

The coins are organized and assigned a lab number. (see below)

There were artifacts found as well which will be the topic of future posts. To read more about this find see Treasure of the Month for May, 2021.

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