Whatever happened to………?

Did you ever wonder whatever happened to the Real Eight Museum of Sunken Treasure in Cape Canaveral, Florida?  While working on updating  The History of the Real Eight Company Through Documents and Letters, I came across this article which was published in September of 1980. It tells the story (a sad one at that) of what happened to the Real Eight Museum after it shuttered its doors in the mid 1970’s. The museum originally was located in Satellite Beach and moved to a brand new facility in Cape Canaveral in June 1968. In less than a decade it was gone, falling victim to changing traffic patterns, the decline of the space program, and other forces beyond its control. Despite its failure it was, nevertheless, a valiant effort to share with the public the treasures recovered by the Real Eight Company and the history associated with that treasure. Who knows how many children were inspired by this display to become teachers, explorers, archaeologists or authors. Perhaps, as the article suggests, if the museum was in a different location it may still have been with us today. The original building was demolished in 2017.

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